

  1. 间接因素

  ① Race—suggestions of ancesters

  ② Time

  在制定各种枯燥无味的宪法上浪费时间,就好比小朋友的把戏, 是愚昧的修辞学者毫无效果的努力。当我们足够聪明让这两种因素得以实施的时候,必要性和时间就会担任起精心制定宪法的责任。To lose time in the manufacture of 1.cut-and-dried constitutions is, in consequence, a puerile task, the useless labour of an ignorant rhetorician. Necessity and time undertake the charge of elaborating constitutions when we are wise enough to allow these two factors to act.

  2不考虑对称性,而是更多地思考它的方便实用程度。To think nothing of symmetry and much of convenience; never to remove an anomaly merely because it is an anomaly; never to innovate except when some grievance is felt; never to innovate except so far as to get rid of the grievance; never to lay down any proposition of wider extent than the particular case for which it is necessary to provide.

  ③ Political and social institutions

  1. institutions can remedy the defects of societies

  2. A nation does not choose its institutions at will any more than it chooses the colour of its hair or its eyes. Institutions and governments are the product of the race. They are not the creators of epoch, but are created by it. Peoples are not governed in accordance with their caprices of the moment but as their character determines that they shall be governed.

  ④ Education

  ⑤ traditions :

  1. find a proper equilibrium between stability and variability

  2. it is precisely crowds that cling the most tenaciously to traditional ideas and oppose their being changed with the most obstinacy


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