
  Cadaver of Gideon Wyck(《尸变记》)



  atural Philosophy of Love(《自然界的爱的哲学》)

  est British Short Stories of 1940(《一九四○年最佳英国短篇小说选》)


  tudies in Literature(《文学研究》)

  Times Literary Supplement(《伦敦时报文学增刊》)






  Corpse Without A Clue(《无头命案》)


  even Gothic Tales(《怪诞故事七则》)





  Arnold's Essays(《阿诺德散文集》)

  The Friend(《朋友》)

  Matthew Arnold and France(《阿诺德与法国》)

  Road to Xanadu

  Reading for Profit(《开卷有益》)

  Essays in Criticism, Second Series(《批评文集——第二卷》)


  rinciples of Literary Criticism(《文学批评原则》)



  Thirty Seconds over Tokyo (《轰炸东京》)

  The Princess and the Pirate(《新镜花缘》)

  Cobra Woman (《蛇蝎美人》)

  Up in Arms (《军中春色》)

  Henry V (《亨利五世》)

  It Started with Eve(《美凤夺鸾》)

  lossoms in the Dust《慈母心》

  Kipling's Jungle Book《兽宫宝**》

  ince You Went Away《自君别后》

  To Have and Have Not《禁海情劫》

  Gypsy Wildcat(《吉普赛野猫》)

  Adam Had Four Sons(《豪门四杰》)


  etrayal from the East(《春花秋月奈何天》)

  athing Beauty(《出水芙蓉》)

  A Song to Remember(《一曲难忘》)

  est Foot Forward(《红楼新梦》)


  The Climax(《芳魂歌》)

  Till We Meet Again(《此恨绵绵》)


  anish Main(《血海争雄记》)

  Tales of Manhattan(《纽约奇谭》)

  alome, Where She Danced(《莎乐美》)


  White Cargo(《蛮荒妖妇》)

  Kiss & Tell(《卖吻记》)

  eventh Veil(《七重心》)

  Along Came Jones(《绿林豪侠》)


  ring on the Girls(《百美图》)

  The Virginain(《双枪独行侠》)

  Lady of Burlesque(《剧院阴云》)

  one But the Lonely Heart(《寂寞芳心》)

  Lady on a Train(《侦探**》)

  Double In-demnity(《火车谋杀案》)

  even Sweethearts(《七情花》)

  Keys of the Kingdom(《天国之路》)

  Jack London(《杰克·伦敦》)

  Random Harvest(《鸳梦重温》)

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