《The Start-up of You》的读后感10篇(3)

  2.人际圈,你不是一个人在战斗(relationships to network)


  书中指出与人建立真正社交关系取决于两个条件,第一能从对方的角度看问题,就如同企业家经营企业一样,要想产品好卖,必须从卖家的角度去考虑这个产品而不是以自我为中心,当然说起来容易做起来很难,因为我们一直认为我们是世界的主角。第二是思考自己如何帮助对方而不是想着自己能从对方身上得到什么,朋友不是赢得的。而是相互依存,类似交谊舞,你不能控制舞伴的脚步,你的任务是和对方跳出和谐的脚步。下次认识新朋友时候把问题从what's in it for me? 换为 what's in it for us?吧。

  关于朋友圈有两个理论比较著名,一个就是邓巴数字(Dunbar's number),这个是你的朋友圈或者组织圈能有多大,答案是150人。还有一个就是六度空间理论,即想认识世界上任何一个人,六个人传递即可。这两个理论感觉好矛盾,一方面觉得我们能认识世界上每一个人,一方面我们只能认识150人,而作者细化了这些理论,指出我们的朋友圈子分为强连接和弱连接,这是邓巴数字作用范围,然后这是第一层关系,朋友的朋友就是第二层关系,朋友的朋友的朋友就是第三层关系,不用到六度空间的六层关系,对于职业来说三层就足够。但我们要考虑强连接的深度,把你的小伙伴们变成你的同盟,同盟者就是你经常向其征询意见的人,遇到机会去分享的人,去交流而不是去交易,另一方面保持弱连接的广度,其实很多跳槽的信息来自于你的弱连接而不是强连接。

  怎样加强和维护你这个朋友圈呢,第一个就是Do something for another person,这里的帮助是要helpful的哦,思考一个问题,什么样的礼物会对比尔盖茨有用呢?第二个Be a Bridge就是成为别人的桥梁,各种圈子的交集所在,第三个就是in top of mind,即让人能想到你,而不是说那谁谁或者压根记不起来你,有几点要记住,首先如果别人没有明确表达你的联系让他很反感说明你就不烦人,其次沟通不是简单的说一句how are you而是尽可能的增加点value,为了避免过于个人化还可以在说辞里面增加点技巧比如我正在联系我们高中的同学,你怎么样?而不是一通的群发,毕竟群发的短信我不回啊,最后就是一顿饭胜过千言万语...


  《The Start-up of You》读后感(七):Who am I

  where to go?

  Well, the first three chapters are much like one book I read before. Where you go depends on one's internal causes ,which are assets+aspiration , and external context, go the same where the capital flows into. Neither are easy to deal with.

  here goes my analysis on myself:


  curiosity. In fact I would be a totally thinking-idler without my curiosity on many things. I don't know wether or not should I thank her for this, beacuse thinking is really painful and our system 2 , they are really lazy.

  eing sincere. one virtue I value a lot through out my life.

  flexible & learn fast? I write them down because some of my friends said before while I don't think so. one progress I've learned after graduation is: sadly, I'm not clever at all.I guess that explain a lot why I just can't do a good job on any kinds of games. Anyway, I also persuade myself I can fix it by working harder, making this discovery less suffering.

  accurate sixth sense? sort of superstitious ,anyway I believe my intunition.

  friends: a big fortune


  distract easily.

  like mentioned above, not a thinker.

  o also awful analytical ability. really longing for.

  moodiness. still working on this.

  there must be some more clever understandings on "assets" , after all, the writer didn't say advantage and disadvantage. But I can only understand in this level right now.

  2.aspiration(try answering this:please descripe your dream living, as detailed as possible )

  I can't locate it accurately, so I write down all things I am interested in or I valued:

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