

  唐 E. 舒尔茨




  I am very honored to have been asked by Professors Chen and Shen to write the Preface for their new book, Creative munication Management. They have told me that much of their thinking has been influenced by the concept of Integrated Marketing munication (IMC) which my colleagues at Northwestern University in the U.S. and I developed several years ago. The output of our initial work was presented in another book, Integrated Marketing munications: Putting It Together And Making It Work (Schultz, Tannenbaum and Lauterborn, 1993). Published in 1993, that was the first text published on IMC.

  About two years after the U.S. publication of the IMC book, it was translated into Chinese in China’s Taiwan. As a result of strong support from the Taipei advertising agency munity, the book and IMC traveled to the mainland of China. As a result of that translation, by the time I made my first trip to China in 2001, the concept of IMC was well known. It had even been applied by several Chinese panies with varying levels of success.

  Chinese marketing executives found the holistic and circular nature of the IMC concept fit very well with the culture and views of Chinese consumers. In addition, the IMC premise that marketing munication could and should be focused on the consumer, rather than just on the product or the marketing organization, was quickly grasped and supported by the Chinese marketing and munications academic munity. They considered IMC to be the future of the entire field of marketing munication.

  One of the strongest supporters of concept of Integrated Marketing munication or IMC was Professor Chen Gang at Peking University. As one of the leading advertising educators in China, Chen’s support of the IMC concept did much to build academic and industry acceptance for this new and different way to think about planning and developing marketing munication, particularly in an emerging market. As a result of Chen’s support, discussions of IMC were widespread among marketers, agencies, the media and academic institutions across China. And, those discussions continue even today.

  Clearly, Professor Chen Gang has been one of the strongest advocates for IMC but, he has also been one of its most thoughtful critics. He quickly acknowledged the overall value of the IMC concept but also recognized that the approach, as developed in the United States, could not be totally adopted in China. Instead, it needed to be adapted into the rapidly growing Chinese marketplace. Professor Chen did that, and did it well.

  At the American Academy of Advertising Asia Pacific Conference held in Beijing in 2009, Professor Chen presented a working paper titled “Emerging Markets, Synchronous petition and IMC” (Chen, 2009) during a plenary session devoted to the subject. In that paper/discussion, Chen outlined how the Chinese market had developed in three identifiable phases over time, driven by what he termed “synchronous petition”. Simply put, Chen described China as going through three stages of development. He called the first “petition in Products”, the second “petition in Distribution” and the third, “petition in Brand”. He suggested that China, as it developed the Chinese system of a market economy, was going through all three stages simultaneously. Thus, IMC was not one single concept or theory in China but, like the country itself, it was multi-layered and continuously evolving. That one paper, and that one discussion, changed my concept of IMC and how it likely would develop around the world. Therefore, I would like to publicly thank Professor Chen for that insight and his furthering of my education on China and emerging economies.

  From that initial IMC Chinese-view of IMC and Professor Chen’s additional adaptations and developments, he and his then student, now Professor and colleague, Shen Hong developed the concept of “Creative munication Management”. That’s the text you are now reading. This book, in my view, is the solution to the need to develop an adaptation of the basic IMC concept, and make it practical and possible for use in the rapidly evolving Chinese marketplace.

  ome background will help in understanding how and in what ways, Chen and Shen have developed this new approach to marketing munication. In 2009, Professor Shen was developing her dissertation for the Ph.D.degree at Peking University. As part of her preparation for writing the required thesis, Shen spent the spring of the next year visiting the Integrated Marketing munication Department at Northwestern University in the U.S. It was my good fortune that she asked me to be her mentor during her visit.

上一篇:英语大王思思来了读后感10篇 下一篇:《卡瓦》读后感10篇

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