
  As part of her studies, Shen interviewed a number of U.S. IMC practitioners, met with a number of integrated agencies, spent time with IMC student groups and even guest lectured in the Northwestern graduate IMC program. In short, she totally immersed herself in how we were researching, teaching and advocating IMC at Medill at Northwestern. So, we at Northwestern would like to feel part of our approach to marketing and munication came from Shen’s time with us.

  The evidence of Shen’s experience with IMC while in the U.S. can be found in much of the thinking which underlies what she and Professor Chen have developed as the new view of marketing munication. It’s an innovative bination of IMC and creative munications, with definite Chinese characteristics. That will bee clear when you read the following pages of this Creative munications Management text.

  Doctor Shen and I had several discussions about the increasingly important area of consumer-marketer marketplace negotiation in today’s interactive marketplace. That interface, which now occurs between the buyer and the seller in all interactive marketplaces, is a major change in how all forms of marketing munication must exist. Shen took back to China what she learned here. She shared many of the discussions she and I had with Professor Chen. Some of those concepts have found their way into this text. So, while I wrote none of the words that follow in this book, I take pride in the fact that some of the intellectual contributions to the thinking which will be found in the following pages came from my discussions with Doctor Shen.

  What is most interesting to me is that I believe we have now e full circle with many of our marketing munication concepts. The initial idea for IMC was developed in the U.S. and shared and adopted by our Chinese associates. Today, the idea of Creative munication Management has been developed by our Chinese friends and is being returned and shared with us in the U.S. The internet, which was developed initially in the U.S., is the backbone of the Creative munication approach. It provides the platform from which Chen and Shen have constructed the next level of marketing munication thinking. In other words, Chinese scholars, using U.S. technology, have provided us with this new approach to marketing munication development, planning and implementation which I believe can be successful in most markets around the world.

  Rather than relying on technology to move marketing munication forward, Chen and Shen have used the Internet and the acpanying technologies to create a more basic, humanistic level of marketing munication. They do that by recognizing that the Internet is not a media form in the traditional sense of the word. Instead, the Internet is a unique digital living space. Therefore, Internet users are not traditional “target markets”, the broad generalization of groups the marketer wants to engage, which has been the mainstay of the U.S. approach to marketing munication for more than a half-century. Instead Chen and Shen’s new concept and approach views everyone as living persons, people who interact with the environment, other organizations and other people. And, these living persons interact with and relate to and through all levels of marketing and munication. It is, therefore, in this digital living space of the internet that mercial enterprises must relate to living persons to succeed. Thus, marketers must consider themselves as living service providers….A radical, unique and very useful way of thinking about marketing munication in an increasingly digital world.

  I am pleased to have been asked to write the preface for this exciting new text developed by two of my very dear friends and colleagues, Chen Gang and Shen Hong. I believe what they have developed is truly the next step in the development of integration and alignment that all mercial organizations must use in dealing with the radical and in some cases, unique marketplaces, in which we find ourselves today. In a living space, all things must be shared for all persons and entities to survive and prosper. This new book shows that way forward.

  o, read on and learn what the new world of interactivity through the Internet will be. Learn about marketing munication can and must be going forward. I think you’ll find the book to be a very interesting journey, led by two very knowledgeable and leading Chinese scholars, and two of my best friends.

  Don E. Schultz

  rofessor Emeritus in Service

  orthwestern University

  December, 2011

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