What Money Can't Buy读后感10篇

  《What Money Can't Buy》是一本由Michael J. Sandel著作,Farrar, Straus and Giroux出版的Hardcover图书,本书定价:USD 27.00,页数:256,特精心从网络上整理的一些读者的读后感,希望对大家能有帮助。

  《What Money Can't Buy》读后感(一):公平和道义,如何是好。





  市场和道德有没有联系?很多经济学家认为两者并无联系。但实质上会互相影响。 用钱来刺激是否有必要和好的结果也值得商榷。


  《What Money Can't Buy》读后感(二):What Money Can Buy

  Instead of talking about what money can’t buy, most paragraphs explain what money can buy. Most people, myself being one of them, expecting something warm and ethical, are frustrated to learn the bloodycruel truth again.

  What money can buy? Almost everything.

  What money can’t buy? Merely nothing.

  Actually, as long as the market asks for, there would emerge supply for customer’s needs. That’s the market triumphalism. You can’t buy Nobel Prize but you can buy word-famous university diplomas; you can’t buy friendship and love but you can buy gifts to show your sincerity, you can’t buy children but you can buy the right to give birth to another one. Dozens of bloody truth tell us that everything is for sale and has a price tag. Money is the mighty.

  I know exactly that the author want to express the moral limits of markets and this is a society lack of moral and spiritual substance. Money should not be used to buy something related to family life, friendship, sex, health, education, nature, art, citizenship, etc. Because this is immoral and make people feel unjust. I bet lot people suffer from the unjust. If you don’t want to experience inequity again and again, what you could do? Waiting for the money-driven and materialism world to wake up? Or counting on the public to form conscience? Hah. Count on yourself and don’t give yourself an easy life. That’s what makes this no-limit life easier.

  《What Money Can't Buy》读后感(三):They don't only change what we do, they change who we are.

  今天早上看到一篇关于桑德尔的文章,瞬间又戳中了最近思考的东东。(《钱不该买什么》http://site.douban./widget/notes/10060932/note/243797347/ 随后立马把他的新书塞进Kindle看了会,mobi格式这里有:http://ishare.iask.sina..cn/f/34233689.html)














上一篇:《这就是搜索引擎》读后感10篇 下一篇:四十年的故事经典读后感10篇

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