The Willpower Instinct经典读后感10篇(3)

  《The Willpower Instinct》读后感(九):关于自制力 (Willpower)

  厌倦了那些读完后自我感觉良好, 然后对生活并没有什么实质改变的书, 这本书不是.


  总的来说: 这本书还挺实用的, 有很多切实可行关于提升自制力的的建议.

  如何想要快速了解这些建议的话, 直接看书每章最后的"Willpower Experiments"就可以了 :)

  个人的困惑: 我的一个困惑是自制力 (willpower) 和习惯 (habits) 的的关系. 因为我个人倾向于认为优秀的人更可能是习惯好, 而不是自制力强. 学霸学习刻苦, 我觉得很大原因是因为他养成了好好学习天天向上的习惯, 而不是每天要用自制力来让自己努力.


  gt; "I believe that the best way to improve your self-control is to see how and why you lose control"

  书的重点: 作者认为提升自制力最好的方法是了解自己是怎样失败的以及为什么失败, 这也是为什么作者把书的关注点放在我们常犯的意志力错误上, 然后阐述改造自己的机会.

  书本每章最后的小结都有"Under the microscope"部分, 通过给你提示了来了解自己.

  gt; "while theories are nice, data is better... treat this book like an experiment"

  如何使用这本书: 作者认为实践比理论更可靠, 希望读者把这本书当做启发, 然后自己在实践中去检验这些理论, 然后找出那些对[你自己]有用的建议.

  书本每章最后的小结都有"Willpower Experiments"部分总结一章中的实践建议.

  《The Willpower Instinct》读后感(十):Being Human




  1. pay attention to your breath when you feel impulses, it can motivate your prefrontal cortex

  2. don't blame yourself too much for past mistakes. Criticism will decrease your self-control power.

  3. Choose the right tribe to increase your willpower. The people you stay with will ultimately affect you beyond imagination.

  4. When facing temptation, focus on your future self and what you want for the future.

  5. Stop saying I won't, say I want.

  6. The more you want to stop thinking about something, the thought es back more furiously. Next time when you feel it, don't try to hide from it, just contemplate on it, think about why you have this feeling or impulse, and deal with it positively.

  7. Accept the why you are, no one is flawless, no one is perfect. We are just being human.

  8. We are born to be tempted, and we are born to resist.

  9. Never feel upset. Life is like a series of tasks, we tackle them one by one, and learn about ourselves at the same time.

上一篇:《未来30年,用钱赚钱》读后感10篇 下一篇:Handmade巧手易7年精选拼布作品集经典读后感10篇

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