发布时间:2019-04-22 11:50:52
加拿大教学水平高,经济发达,生活环境舒适等优势,吸引了大批海外学子前往求学。那么去加拿大留学的同学,你们知道个人陈述该如何写吗?今天小编整理了加拿大留学文书个人陈述写作指导,希望对你有所帮助。 首先我们来看看加拿大留学个人陈述的书写技巧 开始要趁早 一般要给自己4-6周的时间来写这个人陈述。不是因为你在两天之内写不完,而是为了避免时间太短促,个人压力很大,因而影响发挥,而且我们需要时间得到反馈。如果你是一个拖延症患者,给自己的写作设置一个期限,基本上就一周左右吧(这样距离申请还有三周的时间),必要的时候才能有时间检查和修改。 留意你的字数,可以帮助你更好的突出自己的优点 有不少同学,洋洋洒洒的写了好几千字,事实上,没有老师愿意阅读这么多字的。当你留意你的字数统计列表时,你会有意识的将一些不重要的内容删除掉,留下更重要的内容,帮助你突出自己的优点。 充足的时间,才能写好PS 如果你下周就是截止期了,那么你要准备邮寄雅思托福成绩单,从教务处开本科成绩单,从学院里开出各类证明材料,你很可能没法专心写作的。 因此,至少准备几个星期,来慢慢写作你的个人陈述。由于你是初次写作,会走很多弯路,浪费掉一些时间,所以早点动手,是个不错的选择。 注意使用一些高级词汇,但是别走太远了 比如,用acplish代替do, 这样会显得你的语言水平更高一些。但是,不要使用GRE的长难句来写作。 不要请母语为英语的人写作 PS是需要你个人提交的材料。而你作为一个,英语非母语的人,写的东西有瑕疵是非常正常的。找母语人士写,小心过犹不及了。 自我反思时间 简单写一写为什么是你的理由:你有一些什么样能拿得上台面的个人兴趣、天赋和能力,让你在众多申请者中脱颖而出。 了解学校 找出你申请的学校什么方面最有名,最骄傲的部分是什么,证明为什么这个学校适合你与你的兴趣发展。运用这些知识储备向招生负责人展示你有多了解学校,这些成绩对你而言究竟代表了什么意义。举个例子,你感兴趣的学校刚好有一个很大型的本科研究项目,告诉他们你很愿意成为那个项目的一份子(前提是那个项目对你的专业学习有帮助)。如果学校里有一位你特别喜欢的老师,你想要跟他/她一起学习,一起合作,那么就在你的陈述中写出来。 写个人陈述应避免的误区有哪些? 1、尽量避免长句,从句:要show你的英语能力。怎么show呢?写长句,从句,再嵌套一个从句,最好一句话100词。 2、避免语法和格式错误:简单归纳一下同学们写个人陈述容易犯的错误:1)句子时态;2)动词单复数;3)格式字体前后不一致;4)不按照老外的思维和格式来写个人陈述;5)Chinglish,中式英语表达。用GOOGLE英文搜索如何写个人陈述(How to write personal statement)。 3、避免把陈述变成讲故事:个人陈述要做到言简意赅。有同学在陈述个人兴趣的时候,从爷爷辈开始讲起,然后讲到三大伯的四大姨的开矿,最后表明,自己从小受到他们的影响,想学地质。这句话完全可以说是,自己从小受到家庭的影响,所以喜欢地质学。一句话表明了观点。 4、避免个人陈述条理不清。此点一定要避免。大家可以用工科的思维方式,分点列举说明。比如1,2,3,4点等。 5、避免偷懒:写完一定要多修改,多检查。 最后给大家带来一篇加拿大教育学专业个人陈述范文 It is my conviction that the meaning of life does not dwell in the length of time that one can live or the material abundance that one can acquire, but in the richness and the wonderfulness of life itself. With the increase of my age, many things in my life have changed. But one thing remains constant, that is, I will consistently insist on doing what I like to do and hope that my endeavors can be valuable to the life of others. I see this as the only way whereby I can realize the value of my life. My undergraduate study focused on economics and I achieved remarkable scholastic performance in this field. My GPA is 3.44 (my GRE score is 2020 and TOEFL---- ). For four consecutive years of my undergraduate study, I received scholarships for my distinguished academic performance. Due to my equally prominent performance in extracurricular activities I was conferred on the Outstanding Student in Campus Activities. However, honestly speaking, my real interest lies not in economics, but in education. Ever since I was a primary school student, I had cherished a strong desire for a teaching career exemplified by my teachers. In the actual teaching career that I embarked on upon my graduating from university, I have bee increasingly aware that the existing educational conditions in China are far from satisfactory. The backward teaching methodology and the prevailing pedagogical ideology have rendered Chinese education out of place with the modern international development in education. On the macro level, the current education theory and practice in China lag significantly behind advanced countries in the West. For instance, though education via the inter** has achieved considerable development in past two years, in practical operation such education has more often than not deteriorated into an extended form of the conventional examination-oriented education instead of a really interactive process. In my personal experience, despite the fact that some of the problems that I have encountered in my teaching career can be solved by consulting relevant technical literature, I have found that the more serious flaws inherent in China's current educational system cannot be worked out easily. Under such circumstances, an advanced program in education bees necessary.