

    That was the media release for my boss's new book.And he aslo donated his royalty money to a charity foundation.

    “我的老板的新书发布会。还有,他要把版税捐给一个慈善 机构。”

    He seems to be a nice guy!


    He is fine.He is just giving some donations to the charity foun-dation.


    I was sitting by the stage, and trying very hard to understand what he said, but I couldn't catch a word.

    “我刚才在台下努力听了很久的泰文,结果还是听不懂^ ”


    Actually, while I was sitting there and watching you guys, you immediately caught my eye. You are the most beautiful Thai girl I have seen on this trip so far.

    “其实我刚才在台下一眼就看到你了!你是我在这个旅程中 遇到的最漂亮的泰国人。”(我是说真的,她真的很漂亮)

    Thanks. There are many beautiful Thai girls.I am just an aver- age giri.


    Aren't you Thai?

    “你不是泰国人吗? ”(她问)

    Do you think I look Thai?

    “你看我像吗? ”(我回答)


    At first sight, I thought you were Thai, but as soon as you start-ed talking, I knew that you weren't .


    No, I am not Thai.I am Taiwanese.


    Are you traveling or working here?

    “你是在旅行还是在这里工作呢? ”(她问)

    I am traveling. I will go back home the day after tomorrow.


    Your English is perfect. Where did you learn it?

    “你的英语说得真好,在哪里学的? ”(我问)

    No way, my English is not good. Rather, your English is good. I was studying in the United States a couple of years ago.


    Really? Me too. I was studying in Los Angeles.Where did you study?

    “真的吗?我也是呀。我以前在洛杉矶学习,你在哪里学习 呢?”

    I was studying in Los Angeles as well.



    Oh my God! Don*t tell me you studied at UC Riverside before.


    Gosh! Were you a student there? I was studying at UC Riverside * s Extension Center for one year, and then I transferred to another school.

    “天啊!你是那里的学生吗?我以前在那里念过1年语言学 校,然后转到另外一个学校了。”(她答)

    Wow, what a coincidence. How long had you been there?


    Three years.

    “3 年。”

    had stayed there for five years in order to get my Ph.D. de-gree.


    You don’t look like you are that old.


    I don’t because I have a baby face.


    之后我们又聊了一些跟学校和学习有关的事,因为不重要,我直接省略了。但是各位真的在搭讪的时候,可是要尽量聊哦!特别 是你和对方有从同一个地方来这个共同点的时候,一定要尽量扩 充那个相关的话题,拉近彼此的距离。

    By the way,I didn’t get your name. My name is Jackiey.
